There are a number of new grants available to support regional Victorian businesses through lockdown. If your business has been impacted by COVID-19 keep reading for the most up-to-date list of recently announced Government grants available to Victorian businesses, and existing grants still open for applications.

Small Business COVID Hardship Fund
If you haven’t been able to receive any COVID funding the Small Business COVID Hardship Fund may be of help to you.
The Small Business COVID Hardship Fund is providing $14,000 grants for eligible small and medium businesses that have experienced a reduction in turnover of at least 70%.
If you have a 70% decline in business for a period of at least two weeks during 2019 compared 2021 contact our office.
- Your business must hold an Australian Business Number (ABN) and have held that ABN on and from 28 July 2021
- Your business must have been registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) on and from 28 July 2021.
- Your business must be able to demonstrate a reduction in turnover of at least 70% for a two-week period since 27 May 2021.
- Your business must not have received funding under any of the Victorian Government COVID-19 support packages launched on or after 27 May 2021.
Closing date
Closes on 10 Sep 2021
What you get
Grants of $14,000.
Bendigo Business Grants Fund
The City of Greater Bendigo has launched its $729,000 Business Grants Fund as part of ongoing efforts to help local businesses during COVID-19 and beyond.
The fund includes a range of initiatives such as developing innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship to boost recovery efforts, increase business capabilities and create a stronger and more resilient local economy.
Eligible businesses can apply for grants, which range from $2,000 to $15,000, to provide catalyst funding to support projects and activities that boost business and economic recovery.
Key dates for the program:
- 24 August 2021 – Applications open
- 23 September 2021 – Applications close
- 15 October 2021 – Applicants notified of outcome
- 29 October 2021 – Funding agreements due
- 31 March 2022 – Acquittal due

The funding will be divided into five funding streams to deliver the following grants:
Stream 1: Planning, Training and Development - up to $2,000
This stream:
- supports businesses to undertake future planning or develop new skills
- is targeted at businesses who can evidence negative impacts against COVID-19
- is open to businesses that have been trading for a period of more than 12 months and demonstrate capacity for continued sustainability and growth
Stream 2: Launchpad - up to $5,000
This stream:
- provides financial support to develop new business ideas which will allow the business to start
- offers initial funding to progress business ideas and assist with local employment opportunities
- is open to businesses that have been trading for a period of less than 12 months including early start-up phase and businesses who have not yet transacted any sales
Stream 3: Innovation and Growth - up to $10,000
This stream:
- provides financial support to further develop established businesses and grow employment
- is open to businesses that have been trading for a period of more than 12 months and demonstrate capacity for continued sustainability and growth
- is targeted at businesses who can evidence negative impacts against COVID-19
Stream 4: Precinct Growth - up to $12,500
This stream:
- is to foster collaboration between businesses, provide opportunities for place making and encourage creativity
- is open to a group of 3 or more businesses located within a precinct, industry groups or like businesses
Stream 5: Research and Development - up to $15,000
This stream:
- is to support the delivery of research and development projects, ensuring accelerated economic recovery and industry transition from the impacts of COVID-19 by supporting businesses to be investment ready and capable to deliver on Industry 4.0 opportunities
- is open to businesses that have been trading for a period of more than 12 months and demonstrate a capacity for research and innovation
Who is eligible?
To be eligible to receive this grant, businesses must meet the following criteria:
- are a legal entity with an ABN, ACN or are incorporated or have an auspice that is a legal entity
- are based within the City of Greater Bendigo; have its principal place of business located within the City of Greater Bendigo; and/or are able to demonstrate the proposed activity will benefit the communities within Greater Bendigo
- have acquitted all previous Council grants
- have no outstanding debts to Council
- are not part of a retail chain or franchise
- demonstrate the grant will be used for a purpose in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement
- demonstrate they are capable of delivering the proposed activity
- are compliant with all relevant local, state, and federal legislation
- agree to being contacted and respond to a post-grant survey
How to apply
If you're interested in applying for the Business Grants Fund simply follow these steps:
1. Find out more about the grants on the City of Greater Bendigo's website. You can find out more about the individual Streams, including suitable projects and assessment criteria.
2. Read the official documents. To apply for the grants you must have read through the Program Guidelines, met all relevant criteria, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.
3. Decide on a project and Stream for your application. Do some research to be sure you can deliver the proposed activity to budget and time if your application is successful.
4. Prepare your application. Download a preview application form so that you can prepare your answers. Keep answers clear, concise, and relevant to the assessment criteria. This is a competitive grant round, so the stronger your application the better your chance of success.
5. Submit. All applications must be submitted through the online application forms on the City of Greater Bendigo’s website:
Please note: once you have commenced your online application, there is no option to save and continue at a later stage.
The City of Greater Bendigo completes eligibility checks after applications are submitted.