What is a Director Identification Number?
The Director Identification Number is a 15-digit unique identifier that will help prevent the use of false or fraudulent director identities with the new registry services of the ABRS. This will make it easier to trace director relationships across companies and help identify and eliminate involvement in illegal activity such as illegal phoenix activity.
What you need to do
Individuals who are currently a director or will be acting as a director in the future must apply for a director ID based on the transitional arrangements specified in the table below:

How do individuals apply online for a director ID?
- Go to the ABRS website to access the ABRS Director ID service and learn bout the Director ID requirements
- Verify your identity using your myGovID credentials or create a myGovID using your smartphone and Australian identity documents. For more information visit: How to set up myGovID.
- Conduct a proof of record ownership by answering two questions about the individual's ATO record. See below for further information.
- Complete a Director ID application on the ABRS platform to receive the Director ID instantly.
Why do you need a director ID?
Shareholders, employees and other stakeholders are entitled to know the names and certain details of directors of a company. All directors are required by law to register their identity before receiving an ID. TheseIDs help to prevent false or fraudulent directors, as well as trace director relationships with companies over time to help identify and eliminate unlawful activity.
How often to do I need to apply for an ID?
Directors need to apply for their own director ID, you cannot have someone else apply for you. You will only ever have one director ID and keep it forever even if you:
- change companies
- stop being a director
- change their name
- move interstate or overseas.
Who needs a Director ID?
Individuals will be required to hold a Director ID if they are a Director (or act as an Alternate Director) of a:
- Company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act), or
- Corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act).
- Individuals who intend to become a Director within 12 months may also apply for a Director ID.
Reminder: All existing directors have until November 30 to apply for their ID, in order to avoid large fines and criminal charges.